Monday, December 7, 2009
My Current Life
Recently met you and contact back with you, cant describe my feeling. I dunno am I happy when I see you or during that time what is my feeling? I really dunno. What I know is just I wish to help you for everything. I still loving you? I dunno. I really dunno...
At last I finish all my assignments and presentation. Now is time to start study for my final exam. Media Law, International Politics ... damn it.. how can I memories all the notes?? I HATE MEMORIES THINGS!!!
Who is in my heart now? YOu?? or YOu??? I dunno.. I can just say that there is a girl in my heart now but honestly I dun want you to be unhappy. I know that I will have no chance to be with them but what I hope is just that you will be happy in their current life. That day someone ask me who is it? She also ask me to try.. (belum try belum tau, sudah try hari hari mau) she tell me this.. but I know what is going to happen if I try. We will be no longer friends anymore. I dun want to miss a friend like you. I can see that you are having a happy life now and I really dun wish to spoil it. As long as you feel happy, I will be happy too.
Maybe I am really stupid in relationship. I admit that I am lack of confidence in relationship. I do not have a handsome face that many of them do have. What I want is just a simple relationship. I am bored with my current life. Have you ever try before that all of your housemate is in a relationship. When you wake up, you will be the only one at home. Or when you go out with them, all of them will be busy with their couple and left you alone there walking alone. Have anyone try this before? THIS IS WHAT I M FACING NOW!!
I am not rich. What I want is all my friends can live happily. I am happy that I have many friends here in Penang. Time passes very fast and we only have 8 more months to be together. I really miss you all and happy to know all of you.
I just feel that I am damn lonely now. I have friends here. But sometimes Friends is not what I want for my current life. But seriously, Thanks to all my friends that accompany me when I am sick.
THanks Jun Yang, Melody, Glanned, Shu Pei, Peng Seong, Foo, Mars and so on.. there are too many people that I wanna thanks but cant really mention it all here.. THANKS!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
假期里到了云顶去,也‘捐’了钱给他的老板。 真可悲!!
成绩要公布了,很害怕!! 我想应该不是很好。。
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Event 1
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
我还以为你会在我生日那天给我祝福, 我等了又等, 直到晚上8点多, 我对自己说算了吧! 直到昨晚我才知道你把电话号码给换了,而我竟然还傻到继续发SMS给你. 原来你真的这么的怕我.. 我总算知道了. 其实我对你已经没什么了,我只不过希望我们能做回朋友. 毕竟你是一个不错的朋友. 如果没有记错,你的考试要来了. 加油吧!
生病了! 怎么我最近过的这么的糟糕? 我得罪了谁? 我的心好乱, 真的好乱......
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
转眼间,我的生日就要来了。也证明我老了一岁。真悲惨。考试要到了,而我的功课也终于赶完了。好开心哦! 在这里也希望我的朋友能够考到好成绩吧! 大家加油哦!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
我想拥有被想念的感觉. 真的不明白, 想念你,关心你, 却变成是我变态.
我知道你在开玩笑, 可是真的很伤. 变态通常只用在那些心里不正常的人所做的行为, 而我只是听到你生病, 关心你, 却被你说变态.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
说真的,这个月我真的很开心。有你的陪伴真的把我的生活给增加了色彩。谢谢你!坦白说,我是真的喜欢你,可是当我对着你,我就说不出口。可能是我怕失败吧!或者我真的对自己太没信心了。现在我不敢祈求太多,更不敢去想我跟你有没有在一起的机会。因为对我来说,现在的生活我已经很满足了。说真的,有时我在想我还蛮多朋友的,在这里我有几个很要好的兄弟们,在宿舍的和在外面的也都有,跟你们在一起过着癫疯的生活真的很开心。我会好好珍惜跟你们在一起的生活。拜托不要再说我YAOHEIMOU7啦, 我可没有哦!
我的妈---TianYing, 你哦,真的很傻!!不要生气啦,可是傻的很可爱。哈哈!希望你和你的宝贝能开开心心的生活咯!阿姨---SiPeng, 把不开心的回忆统统丢到马桶去啦。开开心心的生活啦。婆婆---Yifan, 你哦,不要说我每天不尊敬你啦,我很尊敬你的,你知道吗?哈哈! 舅母---SzeWei, 你在家乡好吗?有没有想念我?哈哈!在哪儿好好照顾自己哦!我们九月见。我的一个很好的女生朋友---HuiMing, 每天都听到你生病,拜托好好照顾自己咯!不要再这么容易生病啦!哈哈!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
我被猫女王, yifan, monster阿姨,‘妈妈’TianYing点名了~~
第一: 被点者请在自己的 Blog 里写下答案
第二: 请传另外十位的人
第三: 传阅人"请在于这十位当中斗留言版" 告知他(她)被点名了
第四: 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五: 被点者"请注明被谁点了"在哪接到 "在传给下十位"
第六: 这些 "被点名者" 你们被点会得到祝福, 并且 "愿望会实现" ,也会得到 "幸福套餐" 开始咯!!
幸福套餐 NO.1
01你的绰号 :肥仔,酒桶
02年龄 : 23 (还没过生日)
03生日 : 1986.07.20
04兴趣 : 打game, 打篮球,桌球之类吧
05专长 :我好像没什么专长吧?
幸福套餐 NO.2
01 你有没有喜欢的人?:有
02 是否在交往?: 否
03 现在幸福吗?: 不太幸福
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事?: 应该是跟我喜欢的人表白吧
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话?: 不太可能吧?应该不会有女生更男生告白吧?若有就太好了!
幸福套餐 NO.3
01 最爱的节目:香港tvb的节目
02 最爱的音乐:关于爱情的超喜欢
03 最爱的季节: 冬天。我宁愿冷死都不要热死!哈哈!
04 最爱的卡通: 都几岁了?还喜欢卡通??
05 最爱的人: 家人,和在我身边的一班好朋友们
06 最爱的颜色: 蓝色
07 最爱的国家: 英国
08 最爱的天气: 晴天, 很怕热!
幸福套餐 NO.4
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:1.家人都身体健康。 2.朋友们每天都过得开开心心。3. 希望我喜欢的人过着幸福的生活。
02 你是很专一的人吗?: 100%是
03 最深刻的回忆?: 2004年和’她’一起的日子
04 你是个很有信心的人吗?: 不是,我常缺少信心。
05 你很爱微笑吗?:是啊。笑能够令人开心,心情也能变好。
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗?: 当然不愿意,我不要再从头开始适应过新的生活。
07 妄想什么样的生活?: 我觉得脚踏实地的过生活比较好。
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱?: 100%反对
调卷到此结束 "点人者请至于被点者的留言版" 告知被点名了!请列出于十位被点者:Panda. Joexuan, Chuey Wen,See Peng,猫王,Becky, Sue Wen, Susan, Jeremy, Hui Ming
明天晚上10.30, 我将会和我的朋友们,‘家人‘去云顶了。这时的我应该会有着期待的心情吧!可是不知为何,期待的心情早已飞走了。留下来的只不过是那一点点的高兴.为何会这样呢?不知道,也不想去知道。
今天是星期日,一整天在家里真得很闷。我总觉得我是孤零零一个人的,我很很很讨厌这种感觉!我真的好羡慕那些有伴侣的人, 你们的生活应该不会闷吧? 有伴侣的朋友告诉我,其实有伴侣也不是很好,每隔几天都会吵架。换着是我,我不介意和另一半吵架,因为吵架才能增加感情。可是也不要太过火那种啦!
心里有喜欢的人,可是却不敢开口。对很多人来说,我很失败吧!我承认哦!我就是那么的失败!我已经没有勇气了! 神啊,救救我吧!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
迟来的post 1
Saturday, February 14, 2009
14-2-2009 情人节
1) 不用花费这么多钱去买礼物.
2) 不用因为要买礼物而想到头都痛了.
3) 在情人节里,什么东西都特别贵的. 没有情人就能省钱啦.
4) 不用被别人说你的礼物不够好而导致骂架收场.
当然有情人也有好的地方啦. 希望我的朋友们能和他们的另一半能有个快乐又幸福的情人节啦.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thoughts of the Ordinary Perakian on the Street.
This is how the majority of the ordinary Perakian on the street perceive and interpret the chain of events. Perakians want Malaysians from other states to understand the predicament they are in right now and hope not for a repeat of such case in any other state. They do not all represent my view, but nonetheless, I am very much an ordinary Perakian on the street too.
1. ADUN (Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri) Bota, Dato' Nasaruddin jumped ship from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat initially was with the sole intention of proving to public that PR adopted double standard by not making any noise when BN's ADUN defected, but not the other way round.
2. Unfortunately, this failed badly because PR always holds the moral high ground and public perception matters. As long as BN continues with its current ways, it will always be OK for BN to defect to PR and not the other way round.
3. The reason for the 2 PKR assemblymen, Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) to switch deck was due to the current 'rasuah seks' scandal that they are involved in at the moment. Dato' Seri Najib must have promised them to put on a show trial and to set them free should they switch allegiance. It does not have to mean joining UMNO, just be 'BN-friendly' will do. Whatever that means.
4. DAP assemblymen Hee Yit Fong's (Jelapang) lack of academic credentials meant that she was not offered any post in the state EXCO (executive committee). Worse still, she was not offered a Toyota Camry like every other assemblymen. Her jealousy and inferiority complex prompted her to be 'BN-friendly' too, whatever that means. Can't believe a mere car is the price to pay to bring down the Perak government, as quoted by Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
5. This leaves 28 assemblymen each for BN and PR, with 3 'BN-friendly' independent assemblymen, whatever that means.
6. The ordinary Perakian thinks that if the numbers are the same, and 3 independent assemblymen, though claimed to be 'BN-friendly', whatever that means, then why is the need for a change of government?
7. After all, is not it that PR is the popularly elected state government by the people? Why is there the need for a change in government? What are the justifications for such action?
8. Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah is a well-loved ruler by all Perakians. Trust me on this. No Perakians that I know off have spoken badly of His Royal Highness. Our Sultan, yes, I mean our beloved Sultan that we knew off, would always act on the best interest of the Perak people. Daulat Tuanku.
9. However, His Royal Highness had unconstitutionally dismissed Dato' Seri Nizar Jamaluddin as the Menteri Besar (MB) of Perak. The state constitution states that the ruler has the right to dismiss any of the state EXCO member other than the MB.
10. Constitutionally speaking, an MB in Perak can only be removed either with a resignation on his part, or a vote of no-confidence in an emergency state assembly meeting. In layman's term, it implies a majority vote for the MB to step down in the next state assembly.
11. DYMM Sultan is a constitutional expert himself and a former Lord President of the Federal Court. How could someone whose reputation as the voice of the nation's conscience make such a decision that is widely regarded as undemocratic? *Your Royal Highness, we are not implicating you. What we are fuming about is our sudden loss of people's power to elect our own government. Should not we at least have a say on who we want as our state administrators? After all, the numbers are tallied. Perhaps an explaination from your part is not too much to ask for.
12. The ordinary Perakian can only think of the reason for all this is DS Najib's behind-the-scene actions. It must have been him who did all the unseen dealings that resulted in His Royal Highness arriving in such a hasty decision.
13. Speaking of which, eh Najib, aren't you the Finance Minister? For god's sake, we are currently facing probably the biggest financial crisis in the history. The ordinary person on the street is not doing that well. Why the FORK are you so free running here running there? Sekejap boleh pergi Permatang Pauh, sekejap nampak kau di Kuala Terengganu. Sekarang kau pula sibuk menatap Sultan di Perak. Kau sangka kau ni host for Cuti-cuti Malaysia kah?
14. Rumah tiap-tiap hari ada open house kah? Sampai seorang graduate dengan nama Saiful The Sodomised pun boleh datang merayu untuk biasiswa tengah malam. I pun nak juga.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
颜舜祥,你给我回来。。 变回以前的你。。。
加油!! 加油!! 加油!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Chinese New Year coming soon~~~
Ang Pow coming soon~~~
恭喜发财!!! 红包拿来!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Year Eve
Where do you guys go celebrate your new year eve??
I am very happy tat nite and I and my gang of friends go to beach party in Ipoh Lost World...
Susan, Kenneth, Kinki, Nicholas, KeihMun, Jin PIng, Yuk Seng, Ryan, and a new friend of mine Ah Yen, ( hopefully I spell correct) and a few more young ladies but sry that I forget their name.. haha...
We reach there at 11 something and we order our drinks and went in. We order 2 chivas and almost 20 can of beer.. It cost us at least rm 50 per person.. althought its expensive but we have a great and wonderful time there..
All of us get wet and get throw in to the water. We play till 2 something in the morning.
Then only we realise we forget to bring something its really tat important------------ camera...
tats why no photo taken that time... Aiks..
My new friend, Ah Yen lost her phone there.. I just wanna tell her that its a brand new year so dont think of those bad luck things.. ( she keep on saying that she have a bad year cause 1st day lost phone)
After we take a shower at there then we went to eat and rest in a MAMAK STALL.. and we went home at around 4 something in the morning...
Take care my friends, hope that you all have a wonderful new year eve too..