This week seems like got many problem.. I dun know what happen to me but seems like I m not that happy for the whole week.. Alot of pressure and things inside my brain and let me keep on thinking, thinking and thinking for the whole day..
I just wanna say FUCK~~ to release my pressure..
p/s sorry for the rude word...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Well, when I read a blog of a stupid fucking fellow, I decided to write this thing on my blog to show my friend how a smart a person is.
This guy is one year older then me but he dunno how to think. I admit that his studies or result is much more better then me but so what??? I tell you, if you dunno how to become a person and keep on talking without thinking, you will seriously get yourself into real big trouble. Who gonna cares your result is better or what? They only gonna care that what you did and talk is causing people damn angry with it.
Hey man, come on, you are 23 this year gonna be 24 soon. Your body grow up fast, studies improve fast but why cant your brain follow the same step? Think before you talk!! Your parents did not teach you this 4 words???
Dont blame people for it, learn yourself. And dont ever blame other's people parents or are you jealous with it? Your parents did not buy you anything? Then you should think why, ask yourself why?? Your parents don help u to clean or to buy u stuff is your own problem. Its non of our fucking business.. Who dont like our own parents to buy us stuff or to clean or wash for us? ONLY YOU DON LIKE!!! Cause you are fucking idiot that your parents dont even wanna help you. THINK WHY YOUR PARENTS DONT WANNA HELP YOU.!!
Oh ya, as what you write, "for those brainless guy, wei make up, do something that really benefit you." well you think you are smarter? or you have no money to do this think? If you dont have money to do so, please keep your fucking mouth shut up. Oh ya forget that you have a credit card, so what? Its just a sub- card. Its all from your father. Well my money is from my parents too but they let me spent it. Dont jealous it man, ITS NON OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS~~~
I tell you 1 thing honestly. Don ever scold people a vase or what? Are you better then us? You are just better then me in your result but others?? NO!!!!
One more thing, please man, how you become a president of a society? Dont even wanna listen to others comment or advise.. WHAT THE FUCK LEADER IS IT?? Scolding people, telling others that XXX cant work or did not help in the society but do you think it first before you go scolding? Dont only know how to scold, get a reason only you start scold. You got your time to do your assignment or report but when others go do you keep on scolding for not helping. I tell you, ASSIGNMENT IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THEN SOCIETY WORK!!!
I dont think your respect is something that we deserved to get or to think of getting it. If you really think so, I would like to say FUCK YOU!!! You have too high confidence to yourself. Who need your respect? Can I get your respect to earn money? Or to earn a meal? NO!!!
This guy not only scold his friends. He also scold his sister. That time he admit to hospital and his sis call him and ask him to take care, guess what? He scold his sis. He say that his sis is controlling him.. I wanna ask 1 thing. IS IT WRONG THAT OUR FAMILY CARE US?
So please think before you talk or scold. You are really a fucking iddiot to me. I respect you, I call you BROTHER, if not I wont even call you a world FUCKER. Its wasting my time. So please dont make everyone pissed off. You are just 1 year older, doesnt mean that you know more then me.
Lastly I would like to say 2 words to you:~
This guy is one year older then me but he dunno how to think. I admit that his studies or result is much more better then me but so what??? I tell you, if you dunno how to become a person and keep on talking without thinking, you will seriously get yourself into real big trouble. Who gonna cares your result is better or what? They only gonna care that what you did and talk is causing people damn angry with it.
Hey man, come on, you are 23 this year gonna be 24 soon. Your body grow up fast, studies improve fast but why cant your brain follow the same step? Think before you talk!! Your parents did not teach you this 4 words???
Dont blame people for it, learn yourself. And dont ever blame other's people parents or are you jealous with it? Your parents did not buy you anything? Then you should think why, ask yourself why?? Your parents don help u to clean or to buy u stuff is your own problem. Its non of our fucking business.. Who dont like our own parents to buy us stuff or to clean or wash for us? ONLY YOU DON LIKE!!! Cause you are fucking idiot that your parents dont even wanna help you. THINK WHY YOUR PARENTS DONT WANNA HELP YOU.!!
Oh ya, as what you write, "for those brainless guy, wei make up, do something that really benefit you." well you think you are smarter? or you have no money to do this think? If you dont have money to do so, please keep your fucking mouth shut up. Oh ya forget that you have a credit card, so what? Its just a sub- card. Its all from your father. Well my money is from my parents too but they let me spent it. Dont jealous it man, ITS NON OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS~~~
I tell you 1 thing honestly. Don ever scold people a vase or what? Are you better then us? You are just better then me in your result but others?? NO!!!!
One more thing, please man, how you become a president of a society? Dont even wanna listen to others comment or advise.. WHAT THE FUCK LEADER IS IT?? Scolding people, telling others that XXX cant work or did not help in the society but do you think it first before you go scolding? Dont only know how to scold, get a reason only you start scold. You got your time to do your assignment or report but when others go do you keep on scolding for not helping. I tell you, ASSIGNMENT IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THEN SOCIETY WORK!!!
I dont think your respect is something that we deserved to get or to think of getting it. If you really think so, I would like to say FUCK YOU!!! You have too high confidence to yourself. Who need your respect? Can I get your respect to earn money? Or to earn a meal? NO!!!
This guy not only scold his friends. He also scold his sister. That time he admit to hospital and his sis call him and ask him to take care, guess what? He scold his sis. He say that his sis is controlling him.. I wanna ask 1 thing. IS IT WRONG THAT OUR FAMILY CARE US?
So please think before you talk or scold. You are really a fucking iddiot to me. I respect you, I call you BROTHER, if not I wont even call you a world FUCKER. Its wasting my time. So please dont make everyone pissed off. You are just 1 year older, doesnt mean that you know more then me.
Lastly I would like to say 2 words to you:~
FUCK YOU~~~~!!!
Honda Civic~~
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Blogging Time~~~
Dunno what happen in this month, all my friends start blogging..
For me blogging is like writing a diary but the only differents is that this is open to public..
I don have much secret and I like to share my happiness or sadness to all my fellow friends..
Just if they don think that its bored to them..
I hope that my friends who is 1st time blogging please update your blog often..
For me blogging is like writing a diary but the only differents is that this is open to public..
I don have much secret and I like to share my happiness or sadness to all my fellow friends..
Just if they don think that its bored to them..
I hope that my friends who is 1st time blogging please update your blog often..
Birthday Celebration Part 2
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My 'MaMa' Birthday Celebration~~~
Haha.. On the 20th of November, we celebrate Tian Ying birthday in Red Cafe. Below are some funny photo taken by us ...
All of us have a great time there and we hope that the birthday girl have a nice day^^
I'm pointing at the birthday girl~~
All the girls and me
2 Girls kissing each other~~
Tian Ying and Si Peng
He so sad, drink alone...
Yee Chai and Kah Sen acting???
All guys drinking like hell... haha
Friday, November 21, 2008
HaPpY BiRtHdAy
Today my 'mama' birthday..
Oh Tian Ying ^^
Oh Tian Ying ^^
HaPPY 19th BirThDaY~~~~
Wish you Good luCk and Take care all the time ya....
From your lovely sON... hahaha...
Wish you Good luCk and Take care all the time ya....
From your lovely sON... hahaha...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
3.当你和她/他在一起时,你会假装不注意他,但是当她离/他开你的视线时,你会急著寻找 她/他...你已经爱上她了
3.当你和她/他在一起时,你会假装不注意他,但是当她离/他开你的视线时,你会急著寻找 她/他...你已经爱上她了
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Aish.............. next week gonna be a busy week for me..
I wonder why leaturer like to give test or presentation to their lovely cute student..
Today I just have a lucky draw for my Spoken 1 MUET (Malaysia University English Test) Test.
I m so so famous till many of my friends wanna be in a same group with me.. haha.. but unfortunelly I am in the other group.. haha.. Don be upset my friend... hahaha...
What is a MUET TEST?
MUET Test is divided into 2 tasks.
Each group is given 1 question and each member is given 1 post or idea. Each of you got 2 minutes to prepare the point for your idea or post. After that each of you were giving 2 minutes to present.
Task 2:
Its related to Task 1, each of us have already present our point and now in this tast its time for us to do our discussion and end it with a conclusion. We are given 2 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes for our discussion and conclusion.
I am doing this test next week and hopefully I can do it...
Friends lets pray to the god that Mr Prakash will give us easy question.. hahaha...
I wonder why leaturer like to give test or presentation to their lovely cute student..
Today I just have a lucky draw for my Spoken 1 MUET (Malaysia University English Test) Test.
I m so so famous till many of my friends wanna be in a same group with me.. haha.. but unfortunelly I am in the other group.. haha.. Don be upset my friend... hahaha...
What is a MUET TEST?
MUET Test is divided into 2 tasks.
Each group is given 1 question and each member is given 1 post or idea. Each of you got 2 minutes to prepare the point for your idea or post. After that each of you were giving 2 minutes to present.
Task 2:
Its related to Task 1, each of us have already present our point and now in this tast its time for us to do our discussion and end it with a conclusion. We are given 2 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes for our discussion and conclusion.
I am doing this test next week and hopefully I can do it...
Friends lets pray to the god that Mr Prakash will give us easy question.. hahaha...
我想做你心中的唯一。。更想用尽我一生的力气来保护你。。 疼爱你。。 宠你。。
我想做你心中的唯一。。更想用尽我一生的力气来保护你。。 疼爱你。。 宠你。。
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
我已经一个月没回家了。如果你问我想家吗?我会回答你当然想啦。毕竟在自己的家是最快乐的。都是我的错啦,干嘛突然跑去染头发?害我不能回家。(因为我妈是小学老师啦。。。, 哈哈。。。老师的想法比较out。。。这是我个人意见啦。)如果现在我回家肯定中骂了。
最近在学院的日子还ok 啦。可是assignment 的deadline 到了。我还没开始做呢。哈哈!!不知道来得及吗?希望跟我同组的朋友不要见怪啦,我是这种人啦,临时抱佛脚!! 哈哈!!
好久没打球了。。 明天终于可以打了。好高兴哦!好久没运动,变得越来越肥了~~~可怜的我!!!
我已经一个月没回家了。如果你问我想家吗?我会回答你当然想啦。毕竟在自己的家是最快乐的。都是我的错啦,干嘛突然跑去染头发?害我不能回家。(因为我妈是小学老师啦。。。, 哈哈。。。老师的想法比较out。。。这是我个人意见啦。)如果现在我回家肯定中骂了。
最近在学院的日子还ok 啦。可是assignment 的deadline 到了。我还没开始做呢。哈哈!!不知道来得及吗?希望跟我同组的朋友不要见怪啦,我是这种人啦,临时抱佛脚!! 哈哈!!
好久没打球了。。 明天终于可以打了。好高兴哦!好久没运动,变得越来越肥了~~~可怜的我!!!
Friendster RECOVER~~~
yo man.. GOOD NEWS!!!!
Friendster recover to the original condition.. haha.. that's really a good news to me.. now I can contact my friends again.. and also post some new photo in it..
Hopefully it will not happen again.. haha...
Friendster recover to the original condition.. haha.. that's really a good news to me.. now I can contact my friends again.. and also post some new photo in it..
Hopefully it will not happen again.. haha...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ladies & Gentlemen, today is one of my friend birthday.. we call him AH FOO~~
All the best to your studies & Good Luck in every thing k..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Damn it..................
My mood is getting worst & worst... ~~~ Thinking of wanna scold someone with lots of damn stupid reason.. ~~~
!@#$%^ F*CK..............
Friendster SUX???
Can anyone tell me what happen to FRIENDSTER?
The website start shown TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE since on thursday night but till now only I can log in. I should be happy but when I enter my page.. Guess what I saw?
MY FrienDs List All Disappear... I cant believe my eye and I go refresh again.. but I see the same thing.. I got the total amount of 5++ friends in my list but now left 33..
Is it that friendster get hacked? I don care what happen, I just want my friend list back..
Some of the friends in my list is the only way I can contact them.. but now all gone.. Who should I blame? Myself for choosing FrienDSTer?? Surely I wont waste my time and search my friends all over again and add them again.. ITS WASTING MY TIME..
Guys and Girls out there, do you all get the same trouble as I do? Or only I am the only one who get this trouble?
Well, I just hope it will be ok by tomorrow.. Hopefully my friendlist in friendster will return to the previous.. I really like to place photo and chat through Friendster but this thing really make me angry with it.. I just hope everything will be fine as soon as possible.. Or else I will concentrate on my facebook rather then wasting my time to add my friends all over again, again and again...
The website start shown TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE since on thursday night but till now only I can log in. I should be happy but when I enter my page.. Guess what I saw?
MY FrienDs List All Disappear... I cant believe my eye and I go refresh again.. but I see the same thing.. I got the total amount of 5++ friends in my list but now left 33..
Is it that friendster get hacked? I don care what happen, I just want my friend list back..
Some of the friends in my list is the only way I can contact them.. but now all gone.. Who should I blame? Myself for choosing FrienDSTer?? Surely I wont waste my time and search my friends all over again and add them again.. ITS WASTING MY TIME..
Guys and Girls out there, do you all get the same trouble as I do? Or only I am the only one who get this trouble?
Well, I just hope it will be ok by tomorrow.. Hopefully my friendlist in friendster will return to the previous.. I really like to place photo and chat through Friendster but this thing really make me angry with it.. I just hope everything will be fine as soon as possible.. Or else I will concentrate on my facebook rather then wasting my time to add my friends all over again, again and again...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Check it Out~~~
Are you a good friend of mine?
Do you know me well?
Come check and see

Create your own Friend Test here
Good Luck
Do you know me well?
Come check and see

Create your own Friend Test here
Good Luck
Well, today is friday and I gonna have a excited weekend.. I just pass up an assignment so guess I can relax for this weekend.. Really Thanks to my friends for helping me to finish my assignment... expecially MISS DINOSOUR... haha.. (don scold me d la, kesian me le)
Today and tomorrow will be my friends birthday.. guess my wallet will become smaller n smaller.. haha all the money gone to the gift shop.. or pub..
Tonite gonna celebrate my friend's birthday in SS.. A pub in Penang.. money gonna fly away again and my body gonna get worst cause of drinking alcohol.. haha.. but once a while is ok.. long time i din go clubbing...
Tomorrow is one of my buddy birthday, we gonna celebrate in his house. All guys is required to prepare an alcohol drink and some foods. Girls are welcome too but they need to prepare some juices or soft drinks and foods too.. FOO tomorrow u gonna die... hahahaha..
Anyway Happy birthday to both of them and I wish them good luck..
Today and tomorrow will be my friends birthday.. guess my wallet will become smaller n smaller.. haha all the money gone to the gift shop.. or pub..
Tonite gonna celebrate my friend's birthday in SS.. A pub in Penang.. money gonna fly away again and my body gonna get worst cause of drinking alcohol.. haha.. but once a while is ok.. long time i din go clubbing...
Tomorrow is one of my buddy birthday, we gonna celebrate in his house. All guys is required to prepare an alcohol drink and some foods. Girls are welcome too but they need to prepare some juices or soft drinks and foods too.. FOO tomorrow u gonna die... hahahaha..
Anyway Happy birthday to both of them and I wish them good luck..
HATE IT..... !!!! @$%^&&%$#
I guess all college or uni student hate assignment like me.. but what can we do? Sometimes I wonder who the hell create this word call ASSIGNMENT.. and it really make us suffer.
Why cant we just study like normal or living in a world without assignment?
Well, unfortunely no college or uni dont have assignment. The differents is only less or more..
So students like me, althought we hate it but we still need to do.. this is the world.. We need to do what we hate to gain something.. HAIZZZZZZZZZ...........
I guess all college or uni student hate assignment like me.. but what can we do? Sometimes I wonder who the hell create this word call ASSIGNMENT.. and it really make us suffer.
Why cant we just study like normal or living in a world without assignment?
Well, unfortunely no college or uni dont have assignment. The differents is only less or more..
So students like me, althought we hate it but we still need to do.. this is the world.. We need to do what we hate to gain something.. HAIZZZZZZZZZ...........
Hey and hi to all my friends, I m back now.. haha.. long time nvr update my blog and now suddenly change to a new blog.. due to my careless.. I forget my log in email.. and also password.. what a shame.. haha.. but nvm.. i got my chance to create a new account and this time I will try my best to update it as fast as I can.. haha..
Hopefully can.. hehe..
Lastly i would like to wish all my friends good luck and take care always..
Hopefully can.. hehe..
Lastly i would like to wish all my friends good luck and take care always..
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